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For our first project, we were to choose a piece of writing done for another class and repurpose it toward a different audience. The argument would remain the same, but the form would be different and the group of people it was directed at would likely be more specific. 


My original piece for this assignment was a personal narrative in which I analyzed a family photo. The intended audience was solely my English 125 professor and a few of my peers. It eventually made the argument that “family is a group of people who have learned to fake a smile together.” I was in the middle of my repurposing when I had an epiphany, making my project take a completely different turn, hopefully for the better. I was attempting to argue that family is not all sunshine and rainbows to potential adoptive parents by writing an article from the point of view of an adoptive mother. I was having so much trouble relating to this fictitious woman even after reading so many blog posts and watching what seemed like a million videos from adoptive parents. I realized this is because I don’t have any experience whatsoever with adoption. I decided then to aim my article more toward making an argument about family in general, but still from the point of view of an adoptive mother. I cannot capture the exact emotions of the process itself because I haven’t been through it, but I do have a family that isn’t perfect. This is what used to argue my point, still to the audience of potential parents, but not about the adoption process (I do, however, link to a blog that I found very revealing about the emotional strife behind adopting children).

Read the original narrative here

Read the repurposed article here

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